How do I register to vote?

Voter Registration

Registration is subject to dates on the Local Elections Calendar.  You are not eligible to vote if you have been convicted of a felony and your rights have not been restored.

To register and vote, you must be:

  1. a US citizen
  2. a resident of the City of Council, Adams County and Idaho for 30 days
  3. at least 18 years of age

You need to re-register if you have:

  1. changed your name
  2. moved to a different address
  3. not voted within the last 4 years

Same Day Registration is available in Idaho which gives you the opportunity to register on Election Day.

To register on Election Day, you must:

  1. appear in person
  2. present photo identification (such as an Idaho driver’s license or identification card) and
  3. proof of 30-day residency (any document which contains a valid address in the precinct in which you reside)

If you have questions about voter registration, please call the Clerk’s Office at 253-4561.

Idaho Voter Registration Forms are available in the Clerk’s Office at 253-4561.

 When does the candidate filing period open, and what is the deadline for filing?

The candidate filing period opens at 8:00am on Monday, August 28, 2023 and the filing period closes at 5:00 pm on Friday, September 8, 2023. 

 What seats are up for election in 2024?

No seats up for election in 2024

 Requirements for candidates for City Elected Offices:

  • Must be at least 18 years of age.

  • Must be a U.S. citizen.

  • The candidate's primary residence must be within the City of Council and the candidate must be a resident of the City of Council for at least 30 days.

  • The address of the candidate's voter registration must match the residence address.